Category: Community

assistive technology

Tech Giants Take Action to Bridge the Accessibility Gap

By Nidhi Singh | June 21, 2024

The digital world, once a barrier for many with disabilities, is experiencing a seismic shift. Tech giants are moving beyond…

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in demand it skills

Unlock the Future: High Demand IT Skills of 2024 

By Nidhi Singh | June 6, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive world, the importance of acquiring and honing valuable skills cannot be overstated. The…

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Exploring the Post-Pandemic Hybrid Work Revolution 

By Meera Nair | May 22, 2024

The fluorescent-lit cubicle farm might be a relic of the past, but the daily grind isn’t. Enter the hybrid work…

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Dive into the Tech Building our Future Virtual Universe

By Meera Nair | April 24, 2024

Buckle up. Our future virtual universe, once relegated to science fiction, is rapidly becoming a reality. Forget clunky VR headsets…

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How Can Your Org Explore Tech Upcycling?

By Meera Nair | April 12, 2024

As our personal and professional lives adapt new technology into our routine, the constant churn of new devices leaves behind…

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Green Computing is Saving the Planet, One Byte at a Time 

By Meera Nair | March 22, 2024

Forget disposable coffee cups and carpooling – the eco-revolution is flourishing in the heart of data centres and server rooms.…

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Strategies for Attracting Top Tech Talent – and Keeping Them

By Meera Nair | March 19, 2024

As demand for skilled professionals soars, the available talent pool appears to be shrinking. In this conversely suited pairing, attracting…

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