Microsoft’s Global Outage: A Day of Digital Chaos
Serverless Meets Containers: Revolutionising Cloud Infrastructure 
Zero Trust Security: Protecting Your Organization in the Digital Age 
Exploring the Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Sustainability
Rewind, Restart & Rekindle Memories with Obsolete Gadgets 
Teams vs Zoom vs Meet: Pick the Perfect Video Tool
Conquer Your Inbox With Four AI Email Assistants

Serverless Meets Containers: Revolutionising Cloud Infrastructure 

The cloud computing landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by the convergence of two groundbreaking technologies: serverless computing and containerisation. Once viewed as distinct entities, these approaches are now seamlessly intertwining to reshape the future of application development, deployment, and scaling.  Before delving into their synergistic potential, it’s essential to grasp the core concepts…

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Zero Trust Security: Protecting Your Organization in the Digital Age 

The traditional network perimeter, once a formidable defence against cyber threats, is increasingly becoming obsolete. Remote work, cloud computing, and the escalating sophistication of cyberattacks have rendered this approach inadequate. In response, organisations are adopting a fundamentally different security philosophy: Zero Trust.  Zero Trust is a security paradigm that assumes no one inside or outside…

Exploring the Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Sustainability

The colossal data centres, sprawling campuses, and ubiquitous tech devices that fuel the digital revolution come at a cost – a significant carbon footprint. Leading technology companies like Microsoft, Adobe, and Google are acutely aware of this environmental impact and are increasingly turning to carbon credits as a tool in their sustainability strategies. But what…

Rewind, Restart & Rekindle Memories with Obsolete Gadgets 

Remember the thrill of that first dial-up connection screeching to life, the satisfying clunk of a floppy disk slotting into place, or the comforting weight of a brick phone in your hand? These relics of a bygone technological era might be gathering dust in forgotten corners, but they hold a special place in our hearts….

Teams vs Zoom vs Meet: Pick the Perfect Video Tool

teams vs zoom

Gone are the days when crowded conference rooms and daily commutes were the norm. With the shift to remote work, ensuring your team remains connected and productive now hinges on your chosen tools. Video conferencing is the linchpin for efficient communication in this new work era. However, selecting the perfect video conferencing platform is easier…

Conquer Your Inbox With Four AI Email Assistants

ai assistants

In today’s fast-paced digital world, most of us are drowning in a barrage of emails that can quickly consume a significant portion of our workday. The constant influx of messages, meeting invites, and requests can be overwhelming, leaving little time for actual work. However, thanks to the rise of AI-powered email assistants, there’s hope for…

Finding Connection in the Digital Age: The Power of AI Friends 

ai friends

In today’s hyper-connected world, social media platforms overflow with carefully curated profiles and fleeting interactions. But what if you crave a deeper connection, a friend who listens without judgment and offers genuine companionship? Enter the uncharted territory of AI friends, where technology redefines companionship in the digital age. These digital friends, powered by sophisticated artificial…

How Virtual IT Events are Shaping a Sustainable and Connected Future 

The IT event landscape is undergoing a fascinating transformation, brimming with opportunity. Event spending is projected to rise by a staggering 83% in 2024 and beyond. This surge reflects a positive trend: companies are investing heavily in virtual event production, aiming to elevate the attendee experience with high-quality content and interactive features.   In-depth presentations, insightful…

Guard Your Gadgets: Essential Tips for Smart Home Security

smart home security risks

While digital security and data may seem most relevant inside the office (and it is, trust me), our flexible and hybrid new working schedule is blurring the lines between professional and personal devices. This connected ecosystem also introduces smart home security risks – our devices are potential entry points for hacking/breaching. A compromised internet connection…

Ten Next-Gen Network Monitoring Tools for 2024

The intricate dance of managing modern IT infrastructure can feel like wrestling a wild beast. Network sprawl, the ever-present cloud, and ever-increasing user demands necessitate a paradigm shift in how we approach network monitoring.  This is where next-generation network monitoring tools emerge as your knight in shining armour. These cutting-edge solutions transcend the limitations of…