Microsoft’s Global Outage: A Day of Digital Chaos
Serverless Meets Containers: Revolutionising Cloud Infrastructure 
Zero Trust Security: Protecting Your Organization in the Digital Age 
Exploring the Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Sustainability
Rewind, Restart & Rekindle Memories with Obsolete Gadgets 
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Conquer Your Inbox With Four AI Email Assistants

Stay Refreshed and Productive With these Five Break Reminder Apps

apps for productivity

It’s easy to get caught up in the relentless grind of work, with endless meetings, deadlines, and to-do lists constantly demanding our attention. In the quest for maximum productivity, we often forget the importance of taking regular breaks. However, research shows periodic breaks can enhance well-being and work performance.  Interestingly, our smartphones—the very devices that…

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Get Ready to Meet Super Apps

If you’re asking, “what….. is a super app….” don’t worry – we’ll explain. Gaining rapid traction across Asia, super apps offer a sprawling ecosystem of features that integrate everything from messaging, digital wallets, food delivery, transportation booking, and access to government services. This comprehensive approach revolutionises how we navigate the digital world, offering unparalleled convenience…

Discover Unique Search Engines: Three Google Alternatives

google alternatives

Google has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we access information, communicate, and navigate the digital landscape. As the dominant search engine and provider of a vast array of online services, Google has become an integral part of both our personal and professional lives. It dominates 81.95 percent of…

Do You Have These Five Essential Security Softwares?

security tools

Amid the rapid expansion of the digital landscape, robust cybersecurity measures have become increasingly crucial. Yet, all too often, computer users – both in personal and professional settings – underestimate the gravity of neglecting essential security tools. This oversight can have serious consequences, putting sensitive information, financial assets, and even the entire integrity of a…

How Tech Giants are Upskilling the IT Workforce 

The IT skills gap remains a pressing issue, but tech giants are taking innovative steps to bridge it through bootcamps and training programmes. These initiatives aim to attract new talent with limited experience and upskill their existing workforce to stay ahead of the curve. By providing accessible and practical training, tech orgs are opening doors…

A look inside GPT-4o, OpenAI’s Latest Language Model

On May 13, 2024, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, marking a significant leap forward in artificial intelligence. This new language model, with the “o” signifying “omni,” promises to revolutionize human-computer interaction. Let’s delve into GPT-4o’s capabilities and explore its potential impact on various aspects of our lives.  Bridging the language gap with conversations that flow Unlike its…


Apple Unveils AI Assistant and OS Revamps at WWDC 2024

The lights dimmed at Apple Park yesterday, 10th June, as Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, took the stage to kick off the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). This year’s event, a blend of virtual presentations and a limited-capacity in-person gathering unveiled a wave of advancements across Apple’s software landscape, focusing on AI and refined UX. Here’s a…

Why your next computer might be an AI PC

ai pc

Personal computers, which started as oversized desktop blocks have evolved into sleek laptops, powerful workstations, and versatile 2-in-1 devices. As technology surges forward, personal computers’ functionality and capabilities have expanded exponentially. Enter the latest marvel in this ongoing evolution—the AI PC. The integration of dedicated AI acceleration capabilities sets the AI PC apart from traditional computers…

Firewalls vs. Antivirus: Unraveling the Cybersecurity Essentials 

firewalls in network security

As our digital lives becoming increasingly integrated with our physical ones, safeguarding our online interactions and personal data is more critical than ever. However, when it comes to the plethora of security tools designed to protect us from the myriads of cyber threats, there often exists a considerable amount of confusion. Specifically, the distinct roles…

Project Astra vs Veo: Two Titans in Google’s AI Arsenal

No matter where you look digitally, Google is a titan constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Among its most captivating projects are two initiatives codenamed Project Astra and Veo. Both were unveiled at Google I/O 2024, the company’s annual developer conference held in May. While both delve into the realm of AI interactions, their…