

Our 9 Favorite Tools for Transforming IT Product Management

The nature of IT product management is turbulent at best. As a tech leader, you must be proactive if you want to steer your product management process in the right direction. 

It’s not only about being at the helm, crafting innovative solutions, and delivering successful products. Taking charge is also about wielding the right tech tools like a pro, optimising workflow, and enhancing team efficiency.  

This guide is your ticket to a riveting exploration of our picks for the top tools in IT product management, offering valuable insights whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer setting sail in the SaaS field. 

State of the IT Product Management Landscape  

To be a successful product manager, you must keep on the pulse with the latest trends, methodologies, and tools that can turbocharge your organisations processes.  

It is essential that you get the best work out of your team if you want to create the best possible version of your business’s tech product. Yet, most organisations have ample room for improvement. According to a market data report by Gitnux, only 28% of product managers think they have an “optimised” product development process.  

The landscape of the SaaS industry is as changeable as the sea, which naturally means more product management tech solutions are constantly being created to meet everchanging demands. IT Directors need to stay abreast of the tide and continue adapting accordingly if they want to be successful. 

Let’s cut to it, here are the tools.

Top product management tools

1. Jira

Jira is a robust project management tool designed specifically for agile teams. It enables IT Directors to plan, track, and release software, ensuring all team members are on the same page.  

Its solid reporting features provide a clear overview of a project’s progress, helping pinpoint bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Just bear in mind that if your team doesn’t work according to agile methodology, it might not be very useful. 

2: Trello 

Trello is a brilliantly flexible and visual way to manage your projects. It uses boards, lists, and cards to organise and prioritise tasks in a fun and rewarding way.  

For IT Directors, Trello offers a simple yet effective tool to keep track of product development stages and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. It is also often used by creative departments, making it a potential cross-functional team tool. 

3: Asana 

Asana is a comprehensive project management tool that helps teams organise work and manage projects effectively. It allows users to create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and communicate with their entire team –and other teams – all in one place.  

Asana’s robust features make it a valuable tool for IT Directors who have previously found it difficult to stay organized. Its streamlined and intuitive nature almost guarantees it will get stood up quickly. 

4: GitHub 

GitHub is a code hosting platform that offers a wide array of features designed to facilitate collaborative software development and version control, making it an invaluable tool for IT product management.  

One of the standout benefits of GitHub is its extensive version control system which allows you to track changes made to your project over time, making it easier to understand what modifications were made, by whom, and when. This level of transparency is crucial in managing complex projects and ensuring accountability within the team. 

5: Monday 

For tech leaders, serves as an invaluable ally in the realm of product management. With its ability to create custom workflows, it allows you to tailor your project management process to the unique needs of your development style. 

Its robust integration capabilities mean that all your essential tools and platforms can communicate seamlessly, reducing the risk of information silos and ensuring everyone has access to the same, and most up-to-date information. This is particularly beneficial in IT product management where cross-functional collaboration and real-time communication are crucial. 

6: Aha! 

Aha! is a product roadmap software that’s been crafted with product managers in mind. It is particularly beneficial due to its strategic planning features and robust analytics tools that assist in the execution of product development. 

Aha! helps users build and share visual roadmaps, allowing you to articulate your product strategy clearly and align your team’s efforts with your organization’s objectives. It ensures everyone is working towards the same goals and understands how their work contributes to the bigger picture, which streamlines every aspect of the IT product lifecycle. 

7: ProductPlan 

ProductPlan is a robust roadmap software that’s specifically designed to aid in strategic planning, communication, and analysis of their product strategy with stakeholders. As an IT Director, you’ll find ProductPlan’s intuitive and flexible features exceptionally useful for managing complex projects. 

A key aspect of ProductPlan are its prioritisation tools that allow you to evaluate and rank features or tasks based on their value and impact on customers. This helps in making informed decisions about resource allocation, which is a critical aspect of IT management. 

8: Confluence 

Confluence is a collaboration tool that helps remote-based teams create, organise, and discuss their work. It integrates seamlessly with Jira, providing a unified system for overseeing projects and documentation for product teams.  

Furthermore, Confluence promotes a culture of transparency and knowledge sharing. Its dynamic content creation tools allow teams to create confluence pages that capture project updates, plans, and retrospectives.  

9: Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) 

Google Workspace is a suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools that can greatly assist IT Directors in managing their teams and projects. For organisations that use Google products, the suite facilitates efficient workflows, seamless collaboration, and secure data management. 

A key advantage of Google Workspace is its all-encompassing set of applications, including Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive, among others. These tools allow you to create, store, and share a wide range of digital assets all in real time. This allows teams to collaborate on the same version of a document simultaneously which significantly reduces redundancies. 


As an IT Director, having the right tools in your arsenal can significantly enhance your product management process and empower you to develop websites, software, or applications that meet your desired business objectives. 

From project management tools like Jira and Asana to collaboration platforms like Google Workplace and Confluence, each tool offers unique features to support successful IT product development. 

Remember though, the effectiveness of these tools lies in how they are used. It’s crucial to invest time in understanding their functionalities and how they can be best utilised in your specific context.  

By harnessing the power of these nine tools, you can lead your team to deliver high-quality IT products that drive growth and innovation for your business. 

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Jena Hodgson

Jena is a seasoned expert in creating compelling B2B content who built her career at various tech startups, marketing agencies, and corporate enterprises. As a "digital trendsetter," she leverages her analytical and creative skills as a contributing writer for CTO Magazine where she reports on tech trends and innovations in the workplace.

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