
career coach

Is it Time to Invest in an IT Career Coach?

Many of us have faced uncertainties and sought guidance regarding our careers at various points in our professional lives. Whether we’re stuck in a rut, unsure about our next steps, or simply seeking answers to important questions, the journey toward career fulfilment can often be challenging. During these times, a career coach’s invaluable support and expertise can make a significant difference. 

A career coach is a professional who engages with individuals or groups to explore their career aspirations, uncertainties, and thoughts about their present job position or future career goals. Typically employed by individuals or organizations, career coaches assist in identifying growth areas and developing a tactical approach to achieving one’s full potential. Equipped with specialized training in resume building, career planning, negotiation, interviewing techniques, coaching methodologies, and motivational strategies, they possess the expertise to discern and amplify your inherent strengths, empowering you to achieve greater success in your career endeavours.  

5 signs you should look into IT career coaching

If you want to advance your career and seek guidance, here are some signs that it might be the right time to invest in a career coach.

1. Feeling stagnant in your career: If you feel like you’re not progressing, a career coach can provide fresh insights and strategies to help you move past obstacles and identify a clear path. Rita Friedman, a certified career coach from Philadelphia, mentions that many clients initially feel overwhelmed without understanding the cause. Eventually, they realize they need a reliable advisor to guide them and hold them accountable as they work on their career goals. 

    2. Uncertainty about the future: When you’re uncertain about which direction to take in your career or how to transition into a new field, a career coach can be invaluable. They can assist you in evaluating your skills, interests, and values to make more informed decisions about your professional journey. By helping you understand your strengths and passions, a career coach can guide you toward a career path that aligns with your personal and professional goals, providing clarity and confidence as you navigate your future. 

    3. Need for work-life balance: When you find yourself grappling with the challenge of juggling your work commitments and personal life, getting the support of a career coach can be highly beneficial. They can assist you in establishing clear boundaries and devising effective strategies to manage your time better. By doing so, you can excel in your career while prioritizing your well-being and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

    4. Lack of self-motivation: If a lack of self-motivation prevents you from pursuing promotions or new job opportunities, a career coach can help you boost your self-esteem and confidence. They can work with you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Additionally, a career coach can encourage and help you prepare for important discussions with your manager, such as requesting a raise or seeking a promotion. 

    5. Navigating career transitions: If you’re contemplating a major change, such as launching your own business or switching to a different industry, and are unsure of the steps to take or how to make the transition, a career coach can be incredibly helpful. They can provide a realistic assessment of your situation and assist you in planning your next career move. By offering practical advice and strategic guidance, a career coach can help you navigate the complexities of a career shift, ensuring you are well-prepared and confident as you embark on this new journey. 

    What type of coaching is out there?  

    When searching for a career coach, various avenues offer promising leads. Online directories and job portals provide convenient platforms to seek out career coaches based on factors like location, specialization, and feedback from past clients. Additionally, many colleges and alumni relations offices offer no- or low-cost career coaching through their dedicated career service centres. 

    Moreover, coaching associations such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF) or the International Association of Coaching (IAC) serve as invaluable resources. These associations typically maintain databases of coaches, highlighting their areas of expertise and pricing structures on their websites. With a global presence and localized reach in numerous countries, they offer various coaching options to suit various needs. 

    Lastly, personal referrals obtained through networking with colleagues, mentors, or friends can yield valuable recommendations for highly regarded coaches. This word-of-mouth approach often leads to discovering coaches who come highly recommended based on their track record of success.  

    Considering the financial aspect, career coaches typically charge per session, with costs averaging between US$100 and US$150. However, pricing may vary based on location and the coach’s experience level. It’s prudent to factor in the local cost of living when estimating your expenses for career coaching sessions. Regarding the types of career coaching available, options include one-on-one and group coaching sessions, each offering unique benefits tailored to individual or collective needs. 


    The journey towards achieving your career goals can often feel daunting and uncertain. However, by considering a career coach’s invaluable support and guidance, you open yourself to a world of possibilities. Remember, seeking guidance and support is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards achieving your career aspirations.

    Nidhi Singh