
Publications_digital digest_the future of banking

How DeFi and Embedded Finance Are Reshaping Banking  

With its queues and limited hours, the traditional bank branch is becoming a relic of the past. The financial sector is undergoing a revolution, driven by innovation and a focus on financial wellness. Two key trends are at the forefront of this transformation: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Embedded Finance. These advancements, alongside the growing importance of financial well-being, are poised to reshape how we manage our money fundamentally. 

Decentralized dreams: empowering users in a new financial landscape 

DeFi represents a significant shift in the financial landscape. Traditionally, banks have acted as gatekeepers, controlling access to financial services like borrowing, lending, and investing. DeFi disrupts this model by leveraging blockchain technology, the same system that powers cryptocurrencies. Think of it as a giant, secure, and transparent digital ledger, distributed across a vast network of computers. This removes the need for a central authority like a bank, potentially making DeFi faster, cheaper, and more transparent. With DeFi platforms, users take control of their finances, participating directly in these activities without a middleman. 

Breaking Down the DeFi Buzzwords: 

  • Smart contracts: These are self-executing code agreements that automate transactions based on predefined conditions. Imagine a vending machine for financial services, ensuring secure and automatic execution once agreed-upon terms are met. 
  • Cryptocurrencies: DeFi often utilizes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH) as a medium of exchange. However, stablecoins – cryptocurrencies pegged to a stable asset like the US dollar – are gaining traction to address price volatility concerns. 

Examples of DeFi in action: 

  • Borrowing and lending: Instead of relying on banks, users can borrow and lend directly to each other through DeFi platforms. This can potentially offer more competitive interest rates on loans and higher returns on savings. 
  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): These platforms allow users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other, without the need for a central authority. 

Banking invisibly: the seamless convenience of embedded finance 

Imagine buying travel insurance while booking a flight or splitting a restaurant bill directly through your messaging app. This seamless integration of financial services within non-financial applications is the magic of Embedded Finance. 

Gone are the days of juggling multiple apps for everyday financial needs. Embedded Finance seamlessly integrates banking into the background of your daily activities. Picture paying bills directly within your favourite budgeting app like Money Dashboard or YNAB or applying for a loan while browsing furniture online on or DFS. This eliminates the need to switch between apps, saving you time and frustration. 

Financial inclusion for all 

Embedded Finance has the potential to revolutionize financial inclusion. By integrating financial services into familiar and frequently used apps, it reaches users who might not traditionally use banking apps. This can empower individuals who are unbanked or underbanked to access essential financial services more conveniently. 

Embedded Finance fosters collaboration between banks and non-financial companies. Traditional banks can leverage their expertise to provide secure financial services, while non-financial companies can offer innovative financial products and services tailored to specific needs within their platforms. 

Examples of Embedded Finance in action: 

  • Travel Apps: Purchase travel insurance or currency exchange directly while booking flights or hotels on platforms like Skyscanner, Kayak, Expedia, or Omio. 
  • Messaging Apps: Split restaurant bills or send money to friends seamlessly within your messaging app, with services offered by providers like Monzo or Starling Bank (availability may vary by region). 
  • Retail Apps: Apply for financing for a new appliance or furniture directly within the retailer’s app, streamlining the purchasing process. Stores like or DFS could partner with financial institutions to offer embedded loan options. 
  • Freelancer platforms: Platforms like PeoplePerHour or could explore partnerships with FinTech companies to offer invoice factoring or microloans directly within their platforms, improving cash flow for independent workers. 

Financial fitness: your AI-powered coach on the road to financial freedom 

Financial wellness is no longer just a buzzword – it’s Fintech’s driving force. Forget basic transactions, Fintech offers a personalized toolbox to empower you and take charge of your finances. Budgeting apps, automated savings plans, and debt management tools are everywhere, but the real game-changer is AI. 

Imagine having a dedicated financial advisor whispering smart money tips in your ear. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Open Banking, this vision is becoming a reality. With these advancements, you gain a powerful AI assistant on your journey towards financial freedom. 

AI unveils your financial blind spots 

AI and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms become your personal finance professors. They meticulously analyse your spending habits and financial goals from your mobile apps and online platforms. Acting like financial detectives, these algorithms delve into your transaction history, uncovering patterns and pinpointing areas for improvement. 

Personalized recommendations 

Don’t expect generic advice. Based on their analysis, the AI provides you with customized recommendations for saving, budgeting, and debt repayment strategies. Think of it as a bespoke financial roadmap, meticulously crafted to address your unique financial situation. For instance, if the AI detects a tendency towards excessive takeout spending, it might suggest budgeting apps with meal planning features or recommend setting up automatic transfers to boost your savings. 

Open Banking: secure data sharing for sharper insights 

Open Banking regulations act as the bridge, allowing authorized third-party applications to access your financial data – but only with your explicit consent. This means your budgeting app or AI-powered financial advisor can securely connect to your bank accounts and credit cards, providing a holistic view of your financial health. 

Enhanced guidance 

With this complete financial picture, AI-powered tools can deliver more accurate and insightful financial guidance. Imagine receiving real-time alerts when you’re nearing your budget limit or notifications about potential savings opportunities based on your spending patterns. 

Putting AI into action: examples of powerful apps 

Let’s explore a few popular AI-powered financial apps that leverage these concepts: 

  • Money dashboard: Analyses spending habits, categorizes transactions, and offers personalized budgeting and bill pay features. 
  • Plum: Uses AI to analyse your income and spending to suggest automated savings and bill management strategies. 
  • Cleo: Acts as a financial chatbot using AI to analyse your finances and offer personalized money-saving tips and budgeting advice. 
  • Yolt: Connects to your bank accounts to provide a consolidated view of your finances and uses AI to offer personalized budgeting and saving insights. 


The future of banking isn’t about replacing the existing system, but rather creating a collaborative ecosystem where DeFi, Embedded Finance, and traditional banking coexist. Banks can leverage DeFi’s efficiency and transparency while offering DeFi users the security and stability they crave.  

Data generated by Embedded Finance applications can be used, with user consent, to develop innovative financial products and services tailored to specific needs. While automation plays a major role, the human touch will still be crucial. Financial advisors can provide personalized advice and emotional support, navigating complex financial situations. Physical branches could evolve into experience centres offering financial education workshops, personalized investment planning consultations, or even co-working spaces for entrepreneurs. 

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Meera Nair

Drawing from her diverse experience in journalism, media marketing, and digital advertising, Meera is proficient in crafting engaging tech narratives. As a trusted voice in the tech landscape and a published author, she shares insightful perspectives on the latest IT trends and workplace dynamics in Digital Digest.