
cyber security facts

Cybersecurity Facts vs. Fictions: Busting 5 Common Myths

Cybersecurity has become a paramount concern in our IoT digital world, where technology unfurls across hundreds of roles in our daily lives. We often hear ad-hoc cybersecurity tips and best practices to protect our personal information and digital assets from hackers, phishers, and international threats.

Despite our industry awareness, several common cybersecurity myths persist and mislead people – even those shelling out the tips. In this article, let’s debunk some of these prevalent cybersecurity myths, shedding light on the truth behind them and providing accurate information to help you stay secure in the digital worlld.

Myth: Antivirus software is enough to protect my org

While antivirus software is vital to cybersecurity, it alone cannot ensure complete protection. Antivirus software primarily detects and blocks known malware, but cyber threats are constantly evolving. New types of malware emerge daily, and sophisticated attacks like zero-day exploits or social engineering can evade antivirus defences.  

To improve your security, you should have a comprehensive security toolkit that includes endpoint protection, firewall security, secure network connections, and email security. It’s also highly recommended that you have backup and disaster recovery solutions to handle potential incidents effectively. Remember, a multi-layered approach is essential for strong cybersecurity. 

Myth: I can spot phishing emails easily, so I won’t fall for them 

It is a common belief that only those lacking technical knowledge or awareness fall victim to phishing attacks. Think again. Cybercriminals have become adept at creating sophisticated and convincing phishing emails that can deceive even the most tech-savvy individuals. These emails often impersonate trusted entities, such as banks, social media platforms, or government agencies, making distinguishing them from genuine communication challenging. 

Organizations and individuals should prioritize cybersecurity training and awareness programs. Educating users about the latest phishing techniques, providing examples of real-life phishing emails, and teaching them how to respond appropriately can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these attacks. The most common indicators of a phishing attempt usually involve the tone, grammar, and urgency in an email message and subject line. 

Myth: Cyberattacks only come from external sources 

Cyberattacks are not solely the work of external adversaries; insiders can also pose a significant threat. Research indicates that up to 75 percent of cyberattacks involve insiders. 

Internal threats can stem from disgruntled employees seeking revenge, accidental leaks, negligence, malicious insiders, and users attempting to exploit sensitive data for personal gain. Even employees unknowingly falling victim to social engineering tactics can pose a threat. Insider threats are particularly challenging because these individuals often have legitimate access to systems and data, making detection and mitigation more difficult. To combat this myth, organizations must implement robust access controls, promote a strong security culture, provide continuous employee training, and monitor activities.  

Myth: Hackers only target large businesses 

Contrary to popular belief, cybercriminals don’t exclusively target large enterprises for their attacks, driven solely by the promise of greater financial gains. The truth is that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are equally vulnerable to cyberattacks. In fact, hackers often find SMBs appealing precisely because they tend to have weaker security measures compared to larger corporations.  

A report by the Federation of Small Businesses revealed that small businesses face over 10,000 cyberattacks each day in the UK alone. These attacks can lead to data loss, financial disruption, and damage to their reputation. Such consequences can significantly affect their operations and threaten their long-term survival. Therefore, SMBS need to prioritize cybersecurity to reduce these risks.  

Recognizing the paramount importance of cybersecurity is the first step for SMBs to debunk this myth. These businesses must safeguard their digital assets proactively. Moreover, SMBs should seriously consider seeking the guidance of cybersecurity professionals or managed service providers. These experts can provide invaluable assistance in developing and implementing effective security strategies, ultimately bolstering their digital defences. 

Myth: Cybersecurity is just an unnecessary financial expense  

Another common prevailing myth is that cybersecurity is merely an unnecessary financial burden for organizations. However, this misconception fails to recognize the significant value and long-term cost savings that effective cybersecurity practices can bring. 

 Investing in cybersecurity is not just about mitigating the risk of potential cyberattacks; it is about protecting sensitive data, maintaining business continuity, and safeguarding the reputation and trust of customers and stakeholders. The financial repercussions of a successful cyberattack can be devastating, including financial losses, legal liabilities, regulatory penalties, and damage to brand reputation. In fact, according to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2021 reached a staggering US$4.24 million, the highest it has been in the last 17 years. 

 Moreover, the cost of recovering from a cyber incident is often far more substantial than the investment required to implement robust cybersecurity measures. This includes expenses related to incident response, forensic investigations, system restoration, customer notification, legal fees, and potential business disruption. 

To dispel this myth, organizations must allocate resources and implement comprehensive security measures, including robust policies, employee training, regular vulnerability assessments, and proactive threat monitoring. 


Cybersecurity is not solely the responsibility of organizations or security professionals. It encompasses the actions and awareness of every individual interacting with digital systems and networks. Whether we are employees, consumers, or individuals navigating the online world, our choices and behaviours impact the security landscape. 

We can better protect ourselves against these evolving risks by staying educated and proactive. Together, as a collective force, we can create a safer digital environment and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks. So, let us embrace our individual responsibility and contribute to a more secure cyber landscape for all. 

Nidhi Singh