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So You Want a High-Performing IT Team? Here’s How

You’ve found yourself in a high level IT leadership position at a tech company. Congratulations – or should we say condolences? Jokes aside, digital leadership is not just about understanding tech industry trends anymore. You have to wrangle your team into a cohesive unit while managing productivity, mitigating risks, and staying ahead of the competition.  

Feeling like you’ve been tossed into the deep end without a life jacket?  We’ve got you covered with five key strategies that will revolutionize your effectiveness as an IT leader so you can elevate your team’s performance. 

1. Strategic delegation and the art of letting go  

Being an IT leader requires more than just chugging coffee and staring at code until your eyes cross. You need to master the art of delegation, which is kind of like being a great party host – assigning the right tasks to the right people and making sure everyone is happy and productive. 

Strategic delegation involves understanding your team members’ strengths and areas of expertise – and assigning tasks accordingly. Think of delegation as your secret weapon to free up your time and empower your team. It reduces the risk of you turning into a micromanaging monster who hovers over their employees like a helicopter parent.  

2. Communicate, communicate, communicate

The intricateness of IT at your org is trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. There’s a lot of complex stuff happening, and it’s your job to translate that into something everyone can understand. It’s about being fluent in both geek-speak and layman’s terms

Whether you’re talking with direct reports or with professionals outside of the IT department, practicing clear communication as a team leader ensures everyone is on the same page. More importantly, effective communication prevents project hiccups and personal misunderstandings that can negatively impact talent retention at your organization. 

3. Stay curious, my friends  

Continuous learning isn’t just nice to have – it’s a must-have in the tech industry. Encourage your team to stay updated with the latest technologies and industry trends by. It’s like feeding your team’s brain a steady diet of creativity and adaptability, helping them stay ahead of the curve. 

Keep in mind that as a leader, you also need to lead by example. Take initiative to apply new trends and learnings in the workplace if you want others to do the same. This constant thirst for knowledge is what keeps the wheels of innovation turning. It’s what helps your team stay on top of their game and ensures your organization doesn’t get left in the digital dust.  

4. Teamwork makes the dream work  

A collaborative environment encourages the free sharing of ideas and promotes problem-solving through diverse perspectives. It’s about creating a space where everyone feels valued and heard. Collaboration enhances business performance, too.  

According to research by Deloitte, employees have reported a 17% increase in job satisfaction when they engage in workplace collaboration. It’s wise to implement collaboration tools that facilitate communication and coordination among team members. These tools can streamline workflows and improve team performance, leading to tech innovations that can deliver significant ROI.  

A well-oiled machine works better than a bunch of individual cogs. By promoting collaboration, you’re not just building a team – you’re building a business powerhouse. 

5. Embrace agility

High-performing organizations and business leaders often credit agility for boosting employee performance, so it only makes sense for IT leaders to take note. As a project management approach, agility prioritizes flexibility, adaptability, and a quick response to change. 

Embracing agility helps your team deliver value faster with better quality work, which naturally enhances customer satisfaction and provides a competitive advantage. Agility is all about being able to roll with the punches. The digital landscape is constantly shifting, and being able to adapt quickly and efficiently is crucial.  


Being an IT leader is not for the faint-hearted. However, effective leadership isn’t about controlling every detail – it’s actually all about guiding your team toward a shared vision.  

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Jena Hodgson

Jena is a seasoned expert in creating compelling B2B content who built her career at various tech startups, marketing agencies, and corporate enterprises. As a "digital trendsetter," she leverages her analytical and creative skills as a contributing writer for CTO Magazine where she reports on tech trends and innovations in the workplace.

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