Category: Meera Nair

Embrace Efficiency with our Favorite AI-based Productivity Tools

By Meera Nair | April 10, 2024

From AI-powered productivity assistants and genAI to collaboration platforms, the tech world is brimming with tools poised to revolutionize our…

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Explore the Best Note-Taking Apps for Mac Users

By Meera Nair | April 9, 2024

For those struggling to corral your thoughts and perspectives into your 16 inch screen, Mac users have some of the…

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Our Buyers Guide to GenAI Chatbots

By Meera Nair | April 5, 2024

GenAI chatbots can now engage in complex conversations, understand user intent, and even generate creative text formats. As execs are…

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How HCI and UX Design Create Seamless User Experiences 

By Meera Nair | April 3, 2024

Bridging the gap between tech and people  Your tech should empower users to connect with the digital world, not frustrate…

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Who Will Win AI’s Epic Battle between ChatGPT 4 vs. LaMDA 3.0? 

By Meera Nair | March 27, 2024

The AI arena is abuzz with the clash of titans ChatGPT 4 vs. LaMDA 3.0, two of the most powerful…

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Green Computing is Saving the Planet, One Byte at a Time 

By Meera Nair | March 22, 2024

Forget disposable coffee cups and carpooling – the eco-revolution is flourishing in the heart of data centres and server rooms.…

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Strategies for Attracting Top Tech Talent – and Keeping Them

By Meera Nair | March 19, 2024

As demand for skilled professionals soars, the available talent pool appears to be shrinking. In this conversely suited pairing, attracting…

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Disney’s Holotile Gets a High-Tech Upgrade 

By Meera Nair | March 11, 2024

Imagine stepping onto a platform of hexagonal tiles that weave a tapestry of sight and sound around you, transforming your…

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Apple AI Heats Up: From Cautious Contender to Game Changer

By Meera Nair | March 6, 2024

Remember dial-up internet, cyber cafes, and bulky laptops? Well, the world has moved on from early adoption culture and into…

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Where the IT Industry Stands with Web3 Adoption

By Meera Nair | March 5, 2024

The internet, as we know it, is on its last legs. What’s waiting to take his place? Web3.   As a…

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