JPMorgan’s LLM Suite: Revolutionising Financial Research 
What Can Time Tracking Apps Actually do for You?
DORA: Enhancing EU Financial Resilience in the Digital Age 
Double the Screens, Double the Efficiency: Our Dual Monitors Guide
Don’t Risk It: Proven Data Backup Strategies to Protect Your Business
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Will Pocket-Sized AI Devices Dethrone the Smartphone? 

ai robot

Mirroring the seismic tech shifts of the last two decades, more is not always equal to better. In fact – the smaller a product is, the more likely it is to be adopted into everyday use. Fitting, then, that as we continue to see AI usage become semi-mainstream on laptops, computers, and programs it was…

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Apple AI Heats Up: From Cautious Contender to Game Changer

Remember dial-up internet, cyber cafes, and bulky laptops? Well, the world has moved on from early adoption culture and into a new frontier: Apple AI. For years, tech titans like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have been locked in a heated race, pushing the boundaries of AI’s capabilities, from personalized recommendation engines to developing self-driving cars. …

Where the IT Industry Stands with Web3 Adoption

The internet, as we know it, is on its last legs. What’s waiting to take his place? Web3.   As a quick recap, this new iteration of the internet has foundations in decentralization and blockchain technology and forges a collective effort to empower and educate its users. To propel Web3 into universal adoption, the IT industry…

A Quick TLDR of Every Popular GenAI Developer

Arguably, (but we’re not interested in arguing), the rise of the genAI developer marks the most exhilarating technological progress in the last decade. GenAI offers the potential to streamline tasks, optimize processes, and ultimately alleviate the heavy load that many orgs carry. But the glimmering future is heavily reliant on IT leaders being able to suss…

Will the Apple Vision Pro Revolutionize the Workplace?

The future is not just on the horizon – it’s already here. The Apple Vision Pro is set to hit US buyers within two weeks and questions are buzzing around what capabilities the tech will offer, especially in the workplace. When Apple announced and demoed its Vision Pro, they hammered in the tech’s potential to…

A Deep Dive into Workplace Breakout Tech in 2024

As we dive off the cliff of 2024, senior-level IT staff find themselves at the epicenter of a technological tempest, navigating the turbulent waters of emerging trends and breakout professional technologies. Augmented reality beckons as a transformative force with its promise of immersive experiences. The evolution of remote work births a new era of collaboration…

Our 9 Favorite Tools for Transforming IT Product Management

The nature of IT product management is turbulent at best. As a tech leader, you must be proactive if you want to steer your product management process in the right direction.  It’s not only about being at the helm, crafting innovative solutions, and delivering successful products. Taking charge is also about wielding the right tech…

A Comprehensive Guide to Smart Purchasing in the Low-Code/No-Code Era

As the digital world continues to evolve at a breakneck speed, the role of an IT Director has expanded beyond merely driving innovation. Modern IT Directors also shoulder the responsibility of making strategic investment decisions concerning cutting-edge tools – such as the increasingly popular and sometimes contentious low-code and no-code platforms.  Navigating this novel terrain…

The Essential Data Quality Plan for IT Managers

Though the title may suggest otherwise, data security and quality are not a game to try out new strategies and hope one succeeds. Every IT Manager now has the vital task of safeguarding the quality and integrity of their org’s data assets – and this data is at the crux of intelligent decision-making, strategic planning,…

Safeguarding Digital Assets: A Guide to IT Security Management

With digital transformation taking over every aspect of the modern business world,  the role of a CTO or IT Director is not merely about technological innovation. They are also the guardians and gatekeepers of their organization’s valuable digital assets.  Think of  IT security management as a facet of the intricate cybersecurity puzzle, where threats continually…