
cyber insurance

Why Cyber Insurance Has Become a Business Essential in 2024

Cyber insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance or cybersecurity insurance, is a policy that an organization can buy to minimize the financial risks linked with conducting business online. By paying a monthly or quarterly premium, the insurance policy shifts some of the risks to the insurer. 

The increasing frequency and complexity of cyberattacks fuel the growth of the cyber insurance market. As cyber threats become more sophisticated and widespread, businesses of all sizes and industries recognize the need for protection. The rise in cyberattacks has highlighted the importance of cyber insurance. Additionally, the growing number of mandatory cybersecurity regulations drives demand for cyber insurance policies. 

Cyber insurance policies can be customised to meet the specific needs of different businesses. The coverage offered depends on factors like the type of data the business stores, the industry it operates in, and the level of risk it faces. Most cyber insurance policies include both first-party and third-party coverage. First-party coverage compensates for the business’s own losses, such as expenses related to data breaches or cyberattacks. In contrast, third-party coverage deals with harm experienced by external parties. For example, if a hacker steals your customers’ credit card numbers and a customer sues you, your cyber insurance should cover the costs of legal representation, as well as any settlements or damages awarded. 

Common exclusions of a cyber insurance policy

Cyber insurance policies also have limitations. There are certain types of incidents they won’t cover, known as exclusions. Some common exclusions include: 

Third-party breaches: If a vendor or partner is breached, your policy might not cover the losses. 

Social engineering: Attacks that trick employees are usually not covered. 

Insider threats: Damage caused by employees is typically not covered. 

State-sponsored attacks: These are often considered acts of war and aren’t covered. 

Known vulnerabilities: Failure to address known vulnerabilities can void your cyber insurance coverage for losses resulting from a breach.

Network failures: Problems caused by internal errors or misconfigurations aren’t usually covered. 

Who should consider a cyber insurance policy? 

Any organization that relies on digital systems, stores sensitive data, or conducts online transactions can benefit from the comprehensive protection offered by a cyber insurance policy. In the past, many companies underestimated the risks of cyberattacks. However, with a growing awareness of cyber threats, especially among data-intensive industries like communication, finance, retail, and healthcare, the demand for cyber insurance has surged. 

Industries at risk

Key industries and entities that should consider cyber insurance include 

Healthcare providers: Due to the sensitive nature of patient data, the healthcare sector is a prime target for cybercriminals. Cyberattacks on healthcare organizations can be devastating, causing staff to lose access to critical patient records, leading to network shutdowns and even business closures. Cyber insurance provides financial coverage, risk management, and peace of mind for healthcare organizations facing cyber threats. 

Financial institutions: Cybercriminals frequently target banks and financial institutions due to their storage of sensitive personal data, including social security numbers, payment histories, and credit card details. These institutions are responsible for protecting this data, and if they fail to do so, they can lose the trust of their customers and face huge costs. A cyber insurance policy can help them recover from the financial consequences of cyberattacks. 

E-commerce and online retailers: Businesses that rely heavily on online transactions and customer data storage can benefit greatly from the financial and reputational protection cyber insurance provides. 

Public sector organizations: Government agencies, schools, and other public entities that handle sensitive citizen or student data can use cyber insurance to safeguard their operations and maintain public trust. 

Regarding cyber insurance in the UK, AIG, Beazley, Chubb, CFC, Coalition, and Lloyds of London are top choices. They offer tailored cyber insurance solutions for various industries, including healthcare, technology, media, small businesses, and financial institutions. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. 


In the digital age, businesses of all sizes face increasingly sophisticated and pervasive cyber threats. Cyber insurance has become necessary as the risks of data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cybercrimes continue escalating. It provides a crucial safety net, allowing businesses to transfer a portion of their risk to an insurance provider, thereby protecting financial assets and reputation and ensuring operational continuity. Investing in cyber insurance is not just about minimizing immediate losses; it’s a bold commitment to data security and building resilience in the face of an ever-evolving digital landscape.    

Nidhi Singh