

A Quick TLDR of Every Popular GenAI Developer

Arguably, (but we’re not interested in arguing), the rise of the genAI developer marks the most exhilarating technological progress in the last decade. GenAI offers the potential to streamline tasks, optimize processes, and ultimately alleviate the heavy load that many orgs carry. But the glimmering future is heavily reliant on IT leaders being able to suss out major developers, programs, and models capabilities that match specific org needs.

For those grappling with the relentless pace of the tech industry, this guide offers a pathway through the bustling world of GenAI developer and highlights how it can be harnessed to manage the rigors of the day-to-day. 

Let’s start with the the legacy players in GenAI

Let’s break it down into the major developers, then go micro into their offerings and applications.

DeepMind, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., (heard of Google?) has research labs that have made numerous GenAI achievements over the years. Their contributions range from AI that creates 3D models of protein sequences to the development of robots that can learn behavior through vision and language on the web. 

OpenAI’s API provides access to various models like ChatGPT and DALL-E, offering a wide range of applications from automated customer service to content generation. NVIDIA is rolling out offerings faster than we can write them down.

LeewayHertz offers custom AI solutions for business. IBM’s Watsonx AI platform offers AI productivity assistants, code assistants, IT automation, and more. Dive into the era of enterprise-focused GenAI and the innovative solutions reshaping industries.

Markovate and Stability AI focus on custom AI solutions tailored to specific business and enterprise organisation demands. Cohere works on creating language-focused AI models that are easy to understand, while Anthropic is committed to making responsible AI products that are safe and controllable. 

A major caveat to this article is that a new genAI developer will likely pop up once a month for the foreseeable future – so we need to also talk about how to break down capabilities into their potential uses, challenges, and benefits.

Delving into smaller, unique genAI models

GenAI is broad in its capability and applications, so most developers are focusing on niches where they can make a deep contribution to the rapidly-evolving technology. This list is not exhaustive, but the models


  • Gemma: open dev model for ethical AI
  • Gemini: Natural language processing, context understanding


  • ChatGPT: natural language processing
  • Dall-E: creating and generating images
  • TTS: text-to-sound translation
  • Whisper: audio-to-text

Side note: Many apps – like Jasper, the major genAI developer for marketing, SEO, and content solutions – are reliant on openAI models to run.


  • NeMo: large language foundation models
  • Picasso: generate image, video, 3D, and 360 HDRi content from text or image prompts. 
  • ACE: animation AI models in software and games

Where will the genAI developer road travel next?

EY reports that over £1 trillion has been invested in genAI already— yes, that’s trillion with a T. Safely go ahead and assume the development is only going to accelerate from here.

From automating routine tasks to providing data-driven insights and generating content, there are unlimited opportunities for leveraging the technology in your org. For most companies, the greatest advantage genAI offers is that of all automation: reducing human involvement in rote tasks, boosting productivity and making work easier.

ChatGPT can be used to automate customer interactions, while Duet AI and GPT-4 offer advanced capabilities for content generation and code writing. Yet, the incorporation of such sophisticated technology into the work environment must be tactical. Most genAI products will need to be tailored to an organisation’s distinct requirements and abilities and IT leaders have to breakdown each major player’s individual models to choose the right application.


As genAI continues developing (which it will, trust us), keep ahead of the major players, what’s being developed, and specific models to make strategic decisions about where and when to implement the tech.

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Jena Hodgson

Jena is a seasoned expert in creating compelling B2B content who built her career at various tech startups, marketing agencies, and corporate enterprises. As a "digital trendsetter," she leverages her analytical and creative skills as a contributing writer for CTO Magazine where she reports on tech trends and innovations in the workplace.

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