
10_Jun_DD_The IT Skills Gap- How to Bridge the Divide

How Tech Giants are Upskilling the IT Workforce 

The IT skills gap remains a pressing issue, but tech giants are taking innovative steps to bridge it through bootcamps and training programmes. These initiatives aim to attract new talent with limited experience and upskill their existing workforce to stay ahead of the curve.

By providing accessible and practical training, tech orgs are opening doors for individuals with no prior experience, expanding the pool of potential tech talent. Existing employees are empowered to learn new skills and technologies, increasing their value within the company and the broader tech industry. Let’s start with the major players:


Microsoft Leap: This programme targets individuals with no prior coding experience. Through a 16-week online curriculum, participants learn foundational coding skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, preparing them for entry-level web development roles. 

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: This programme equips existing employees and external candidates with the skills required to understand and utilise Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, Azure. This not only empowers current employees but also attracts individuals seeking careers in cloud technology. 


AWS re/Start: This initiative offers free, cloud computing skills training programmes in partnership with community colleges, nonprofits, and educational institutions. It caters to individuals with no prior experience and prepares them for high-demand cloud computing jobs. 

Amazon Career Choice: This programme allows Amazon employees to pursue associate’s degrees or certificates in high-demand fields, including computer science and information technology. This upskilling initiative helps retain talent and equips them for future growth within the company. 


Google IT Support Professional Certificate: This online programme teaches individuals the fundamentals of IT support, including troubleshooting hardware and software issues. It’s designed for those seeking entry-level IT support roles and is a valuable tool for attracting new talent with a passion for technology. 

Google Cloud Skills Boost: This initiative provides free, online training courses and labs on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) technologies. It allows existing employees and external candidates to gain valuable skills in cloud computing, making them more marketable and attractive to Google or other employers seeking GCP expertise. 


Apple Developer Academy: This immersive programme provides comprehensive training in app development for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It targets individuals with some coding experience and prepares them for careers as iOS developers or other app development roles. 

Apple Professional Training (APT): This programme offers a wide range of technical and business-oriented training courses for Apple employees. It helps upskill employees across various departments, ensuring they stay current with the latest technologies and trends within the Apple ecosystem. 


Meta Blueprint: This online platform provides free and paid training courses on various digital marketing topics, including social media advertising, analytics, and creative strategy. It attracts individuals interested in digital marketing careers and helps them develop the skills needed to thrive in this growing field. 

Meta Internal Learning Programmes: Meta offers numerous internal learning programmes for its employees, covering a broad range of technical and non-technical skills. This commitment to continuous learning empowers employees to advance their careers within Meta. 

Go beyond bootcamps to get the most ROI

While bootcamps and training programmes are powerful tools, a comprehensive approach is necessary to truly bridge the IT skills gap. Here are some additional strategies to consider: 

  • Promoting STEM education: Encouraging a strong foundation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education from a young age can spark early interest in technology and prepare future generations for IT careers. This includes advocating for updated curricula that reflect the current needs of the tech industry. 
  • Highlighting career flexibility: Many IT jobs offer remote work opportunities and flexible working arrangements. Highlighting this flexibility can attract a wider range of candidates, particularly those seeking work-life balance or individuals in geographically diverse locations. 
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion: The tech industry has historically lacked diversity. Actively promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives can not only attract underrepresented groups to IT fields but also foster a more creative and innovative workforce. This can involve collaborating with organisations focused on underrepresented groups in tech, offering scholarships, and creating inclusive company cultures. 
  • Mentorship programmes: Pairing senior IT professionals with new hires or those transitioning into the field can provide invaluable guidance and support. Mentors can offer insights into the industry, career advice, and help navigate challenges. 
  • Investing in reskilling and upskilling programmes: The rapid pace of technological change necessitates continuous learning. Businesses can offer ongoing training programmes to help existing employees develop new skills and stay relevant in the ever-evolving tech landscape. 


While bootcamps and training programmes offered by tech giants are a significant step forward, a multi-pronged approach is crucial for truly bridging the IT skills gap. By promoting STEM education, fostering diversity and inclusion, and investing in both technical and soft skills development, businesses can cultivate a robust talent pipeline and build a future-proof workforce equipped to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Meera Nair

Drawing from her diverse experience in journalism, media marketing, and digital advertising, Meera is proficient in crafting engaging tech narratives. As a trusted voice in the tech landscape and a published author, she shares insightful perspectives on the latest IT trends and workplace dynamics in Digital Digest.