
write a great resume

Craft a Killer Resume: Hacks to Get Noticed by Recruiters   

A well-crafted resume is your ticket to career success in today’s competitive job market. It can significantly impact your chances of securing an interview. Simply listing your work history is no longer sufficient. 

This guide will equip you with the strategies and tools to create a resume that stands out and helps you land your dream job. We’ll explore effective techniques to tailor your resume for each position, quantify your achievements, use impactful language, and ensure it’s visually appealing and error-free. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the confidence to craft a resume that opens doors and propels your career forward. 

Create achievement-focused bullet points 

Effective bullet points are the cornerstone of a strong resume. They succinctly convey your achievements, quantify your impact, and demonstrate your value to potential employers. To create powerful bullet points, follow these guidelines: 

  • Start with a strong action verb, include relevant skills from the job description, and frame your bullets around your achievements — don’t just list your job duties. 
  • Share what tangible benefits your work brought to your previous employers so they know what they stand to gain by hiring you. Begin each bullet point with a dynamic verb that conveys a sense of accomplishment (e.g., “achieved,” “increased,” “developed,” “implemented”).
  • Following a formula like “Compelling verb + job duty + key skills used = tangible result,” you can craft bullet points that paint a vivid picture of your capabilities and the value you can bring to the role.
  • For example: “Negotiated a 10% cost reduction on a major project through effective supplier management and cost-saving initiatives.” This achievement-focused approach will make your resume stand out and position you as the ideal candidate for the job. 

Craft a compelling resume summary 

Your resume summary is your professional elevator pitch. It provides a quick overview of your skills and experience. In today’s competitive job market, a strong summary can be the deciding factor between your resume getting noticed or overlooked. 

Since recruiters often have limited time to review resumes, a concise and impactful summary is more important than ever. While a couple of bullet points at the top might help grab attention, a well-crafted summary highlighting your most relevant skills and accomplishments is even more effective. 

Optimising resume formatting for maximum impact 

Effective resume formatting is essential for making a positive first impression on potential employers. A well-structured, visually appealing resume can help your qualifications stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview. Here are some key formatting tips to consider: 

  • Choose a standard format: Stick to a traditional resume format with clear sections and headings. Avoid complex layouts that may interfere with scanning software. 
  • Keep it simple: Use black-and-white text, avoid excessive graphics, and avoid self-ratings. Focus on presenting your information clearly and concisely. 
  • Prioritize readability: Ensure your resume is easy to read and navigate. Use headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting to improve readability. 
  • Avoid distractions: Minimize clutter and distractions that may hinder the recruiter’s ability to assess your qualifications quickly. 

Use relevant keywords 

It’s important to optimise your resume with the right keywords so that potential employers can find and consider it. Both search engines and applicant tracking systems (ATS) typically scan resumes for specific keywords that match the job description. Including relevant keywords throughout your resume can greatly improve your chances of getting selected for an interview. 

Here’s a helpful tip: 

  • Analyze the job description: Copy and paste the job description into a word cloud generator to identify the most frequently used keywords. 
  • Incorporate keywords: Use these keywords throughout your resume, especially in your skills section, experience section, and summary. 
  • Create a “core competencies” section: Consider adding a section titled “core competencies” or “areas of expertise” where you can list both your technical and soft skills. Additionally, highlight these skills again in the bullet points under your experiences. 

Keep it concise 

Employers often have limited time to review each resume. Your resume should be concise, focused, and easy to read to make the most of their attention. Avoid unnecessary phrases and get straight to the point to make your resume more impactful. Instead of starting sentences with “I,” use strong action verbs. For example, instead of saying, “I am responsible for,” say, “Managed.” While keeping your resume concise is important, don’t let that limit your ability to showcase your unique personality and skills. Recruiters appreciate originality and a personal touch. By highlighting what makes you stand out, you can create a memorable impression and increase your chances of landing an interview. 


Above all, be honest and truthful in your resume. Exaggerations or fabrications can jeopardize your career, so always present yourself authentically. By being transparent, you build trust with potential employers and increase your chances of landing a job that truly aligns with your skills and goals. We hope this guide has equipped you with the tools and knowledge to create a compelling resume that showcases your unique qualifications. Invest the time and effort to craft a document that reflects your best self and positions you as a strong candidate for your desired roles. 

Nidhi Singh